Denouement Diaries - Week 8

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at: Anyway let's get into it:
30/3/23 - Day 50: Gramado --> Canela --> Sapiranga
- I actually woke up a little earlier and used the hotel gym
- Just a couple of exercises - squats, bench press, lay pull downs - because I hadn’t done any weights in ages
- Then back up and got Casey moving
- Lisi was up by now
- Lisi went to the gym
- Eventually got Casey up to head to buffet breakfast
- And Lisi met us there
- Huge buffet
- Bacon and eggs
- Afterwards, Casey had a swim and I did some reading
- Packed up
- Late checkout
- Then headed off towards Canela
- Stopped at Lago Negro
- Casey and Lisi went up the Rapunzel tower
- Stopped at some more chocolates stores
- Then to Canela
- Checked out the church
- And had a snack at a cute pink cafe
- Then started off towards Sapiranga
- Tried to visit a Buddhist temple on the way to have a look - literally could not find it - it disappeared somehow
- Found Lisi’s mum's place
- Met mum
- Then actually had a nap for a bit
- Knackered
- Got moving in the evening and off to Lisi’s friends' place - met Christian and Michelle and Agatha and Pietra
- Played board games with Agatha - I lost
- Ate a heap of Brazilian barbecue
- Drank a heap of Fruki Guarana - local to the state
- And checked out Christian's bike van
- While Lisi live translated Portuguese to English all night
- Very tired
- Back to Lisi's mum's place
31/3/23 - Day 51: Sapiranga --> Cambara du Sol
- Sleep in
- Lisi had gone for a walk and got a massage by the time we woke up
- Then very slowly got moving
- Drove up to the top of a nearby mountain - Morro Ferrabraz
- Nice views
- Lovely blue butterflies
- And saw a toucan - a legit toucan!
- Back down and went for some lunch at a common Brazilian buffet place where you pay by the weight of your plate
- Got some groceries for the next day on the way home
- Back to the house and chilled for a bit
- Tiago and Tamara came and picked us up around 1530
- Bit of a drive
- Tried to get into the Buddhist temple again
- Hilariously couldn’t
- Stopped at a nice lake
- Then into where we thought our Airbnb was
- Wrong dirt road
- Went and got dinner of takeaway pizzas in the meantime while checking directions
- Then found it
- Had pizza dinner in our log cabin place
- Then a big fire
- Australian slang word game
- Guarana drink, of course
1/4/23 - Day 52: Cambara du Sol
- Up early-ish
- Was able to see where we were
- Nice fields
- Tiago made coffee
- Lisi already up - saw sunrise - crazy lady
- Woke up Casey
- Then I went and had a look at the creek
- There was a little cascade
- Breakfast with everyone
- Packed up and left
- Back through Cambara do Sul to the canyons
- Rocky gravel track that you have to pay for for some reason
- Walked up the top
- It was amazing - massive canyons that you can walk right to the edge of
- Drove back to the waterfall track
- Walked across the top of the waterfall
- Jumping over the rocks
- Then a nice view back at it
- Then drove back into town
- Xis for lunch - like a traditional Brazilian burger
- Was good
- Set off for the Buddhist temple
- Actually made it this time
- Third time lucky
- And it was really cool and unexpected
- Lots of Insta twits
- Then back to Lisi’s mums place
- Massive day
- Watched the local soccer on TV
- And a Telenovella
- And then went to bed
- After dinner of bread and bananas of course
2/4/23 - Day 53: Sapiranga --> Gramado
- Sleep in after the massive day
- Packed up
- Lisi’s sister came around with her little boy and husband
- Hung around for a while
- Then we headed off to lunch with Tiago’s family
- Barbecue
- Picanha
- Was awesome
- Saw some Portuguese coco melon - was fever dream, "Pão de queijo" on repeat...
- Back to Lisi’s
- Lisi and Casey went nuts and did the cheese dance
- Then a nice fellow picked us up to drive us back up to Gramado
- Easy check in
- Swish hotel - didnt actually realise how nice it was when I booked it
- We actually went for a spa just to chill
- Then thought about doing a themed Harry Potter train style dinner but the sessions weren’t till a bit later
- So we walked down the main street and found a fondue place
- Casey ate so much cheese
- Worried we would burn the place down
- Meat
- Chocolate
- Stumbled home
- Watched 'Murder Mystery 2' on Netflix
3/4/23 - Day 54: Gramado
- Slow day
- Feeling a bit out of sorts so we treated it as a bit of a recuperation day
- Went to breakfast
- Weird bacon
- But good coffee
- Then kind of half arsed some time in the gym just to get moving
- Played with stupid acro things Casey was doing
- Then had a swim in the hotel pool - which was cool because it is sort of in a greenhouse with reverse cycle air conditioners so they can turn them on as heaters - Gramado can snow in the winter
- Chilled
- Cashed in our free hot chocolate card we had
- Then I’m the afternoon went and had a massage together
- Crazy Brazilian ladies - they took photos with us and posted them to Instagram!
- Was good
- Eucalyptus oil on the face certainly clears the nostrils
- Walked home
- Grabbed a pile of subway from the Main Street
- Very funny ordering in Portuguese
- Then just bunkered down for an early night
- Watched 'Waco' on Netflix
4/4/23 - Day 55: Gramado --> Porto Alegre --> Curitiba --> Iguazu Falls
- Travel day
- I was up before Casey and went and grabbed some paracetamol and ibuprofen before she woke up
- Got some extra cash out as well
- Woke up and packed up
- Then down to breakfast
- Checked out fine and walked up to the bus stop in Gramado which was very close to our hotel
- Buses work in South America
- It was right on time
- 2 hour bus ride back to porto Alegre
- A couple of old Brazilian ladies next to us would not stop talking
- It was amazing
- They spoke the whole ride
- I don’t even think the knew each other
- Cab back up to porto Alegre airport
- The usual thing of watching wealthy South Americans behave in public continues
- Short flight
- In to Curitiba
- Short layover
- Then another short half empty flight in to Iguaçu
- Very easy cab to our hotel
- Which is very snazzy
- Luxury massive place with golf course and lakes
- Massive reception
- Very suave
- We check in and a fellow drove us in a golf cart to our unit
- I am unsure - should I tip
- I feel too awkward and walk in to our unit and shut the door
- Dump the bags and straight back up to the restaurant past the massive pool
- For buffet dinner
- Excellent
- Back to the unit after to digest
- Finished the ‘Waco’ series on Netflix
5/4/23 - Day 56: Iguazu Falls
- Easy wake up
- Buffet breakfast
- Pretty good coffee actually
- Couple of local dogs wandering around
- Had breakfast then wandered to the little concierge office at reception
- We would like to see the waterfall please
- Bit of translation issues and we thought we might just go and book something online
- We are told our car will be here in 10 minutes
- Ok
- Quickly got changed and got our stuff then met a cab at reception
- Down the road to the falls gate
- Fairly commercialised but very well run
- Into a line
- On to a bus
- Down to the start of the path along the top of the falls
- Is awesome
- Saw a monkey, then a snake, then some South American coatis
- Out on to the 'Devils Throat' walk
- Very wet
- Much influencer
- Amazing waterfalls
- Up and back via the cafe - got an açai given we are in Brazil
- Then bus back to the gates of the park
- Instead of heading home we walked across the road to this amazing bird sanctuary
- Lots of birds resuced from trafficking
- It was amazing
- Very unexpected and really well done
- Then back to the hotel
- Had a sit around the pool and some hot chips and sweet fizzy drinks
- Then a bit of time in the gym
- Buffet dinner
- Bed
Stay tuned...