Denouement Diaries - Week 38

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at:
Anyway, let's get into it:
26/10/23 - Day 260: Madrid
- Slow day.
- We couldn’t be bothered doing much.
- Breakfast at the hotel.
- Then slowly in to Madrid.
- But the weather was rubbish so we weren’t particularly motivated to do a bunch of walking around the sights.
- Eventually found a park, which was a bit difficult.
- Also traffic is proper tomato in the centre of town…
- Then walked towards the Prado museum to be faced with an enormous line outside in the wet and wind.
- Passed on that.
- Went and had some lunch and coffees in a little cafe in the streets.
- Then wandered the Botanical Garden adjacent to the Prado.
- After hiding from the rain for a bit.
- Wandered the streets.
- Back out to the burbs for Casey’s next pole class.
- Got rained on on the walk back.
- Ordered some Uber Eats for dinner.
27/10/23 - Day 261: Madrid —> Barcelona
- Driving day.
- The outskirts of Madrid are quite unimpressive - like to the point of poverty.
- The drive from Madrid to Barcelona has you passing literally abandoned facilities and ?small towns.
- I think Spain is a bit poor.
- Yep, looked it up, unemployment is about 10-12 percent. They doing their best.
- Anyway in a fit of genius we had booked a boat in a marina to sleep in as a ‘fancy AirBnB’.
- It was shit.
- Did misjudge what that would all mean.
- Immediately booked a cheap hotel on the outskirts of Barcelona.
- Drove to said hotel.
- Grabbed some Maccas for dinner.
- Watching ‘Better Call Saul’.
28/10/23 - Day 262: Barcelona
- In to the city early and parked.
- Grabbed some breakfast near the Sagrada Familia.
- Wandered around it. Is amazing.
- Wanted to go in but no tickets until tomorrow evening. Booked.
- Then wandered the streets.
- Saw some more Gaudi.
- Then over to a Pole Studio for Casey to train.
- Then to a big Pole Competition.
- Watched a friend compete.
- Was fun.
- Back to the car.
- Back out to our hotel.
- Got some dumplings for dinner.
- ’Better Call Saul’.
29/10/23 - Day 263: Barcelona
- Easy breakfast at the hotel.
- Casey had a pole workshop for a few hours in the city while I wandered around, down La Rambla, and hit up some cafes.
- Then back to Find Casey when she was finished and we headed over to La Pedrera.
- Gaudi’s amazing apartment building. We had tickets so we did the tour.
- Is incredible.
- Would recommend.
- Then over to La Sagrada Familia for our booked ticket time.
- Is also amazing.
- By far the best cathedral in Europe.
- Unique.
- Then walked/took a taxi back to where we parked the car.
- May have grabbed some Nuggets for dinner…
30/10/23 - Day 264: Barcelona —> Andorra
- Spent the morning in Barcelona.
- Had breakfast with Smol.
- Then Casey had another Pole Session booked with a Venezuelan living in Spain.
- More cafe time for me.
- Then off to Andorra.
- Only a couple of hours drive.
- But a very nice drive up into the mountains.
- Immediately googles how to become a resident of Andorra…
- Checked in to the little ski chalet style hotel.
- And just sat around in the lounge. Had a coffee. Pottered.
- Read books.
- Had dinner in the hotel restaurant. Was good.
31/10/23 - Day 265: Andorra —> Saint Tropez
- Breakfast at the hotel.
- Then checked out and rolled down in to the ‘Town/Capital’ of Andorra - Andorra La Vella - just….Andorra……in the valley.
- Casey had to get some makeup so we wandered along the Main Street.
- Had a couple of coffees in the sun.
- Then back to the car to start the big drive.
- A bit slow getting out of Andorra - all mountain roads and tunnels.
- But then when you get in to France and down off the mountains, the French highways pick up again and they are smooth and fast.
- Got some nuggets for the journey.
- Stopped a couple of times for snacks.
- Then the next slow part was the windy scrub roads into the back of Saint Tropez in the dark.
- Not fun with no street lights.
- Found our hotel. Nice place.
- Got some food delivered.
- Watched ‘Rick and Morty’.
- Bed.
1/11/23 - Day 266: Saint Tropez
- Miserable cold wet day.
- Had the hotel breakfast.
- Then drove down in to the town.
- Cold and wet.
- Wandered around the old town - which is very nice, but would be nicer in the sun.
- Wandered along the harbour.
- Went to a cafe, was seated, looked at the menu, saw that a coke cost 11 Euros, promptly stood up and left.
- I think that is just delusional…
- At this point I was just annoyed - Saint Tropez just seemed like ‘late stage popular’ - just full of snobby people wearing Gucci walking past shops that sell Luis Vuitton… I dunno, if a town is going to ‘live by the sword of snobbery….it will die by the sword of snobbery’….?
- I mean it became Famous in the 60s and was just a fishing village before that!
- Back to the hotel to get our of the rain.
- Read books.
- Vegetated.
- In the evening we drove down to one of the other nearby harbours to find something to eat.
- Stumbled upon a weird cafe that was half closed and half full of a clown cast of local characters, and a cute dog.
- Had some coffees.
- Grabbed a McFlurry on the way back to the hotel.
Stay tuned...