Denouement Diaries - Week 31

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at:
Anyway, let's get into it:
7/9/23 - Day 211: Bali
- Very chilled out day.
- Coffees with Casey before she wandered off to her retreat duties.
- Then I went for breakfast at ‘Revolver Cafe’. Is good.
- Lots of coffees through the day.
- Pool.
- Reading.
- Sun.
- Coffees with Casey.
- Then we had dinner delivered in the evening and started watching ‘Con Air’. Is classic.
8/9/23 - Day 212: Bali —> Australia
- Early coffees with Casey then walked her to the retreat villas.
- After which I took myself for my last Bali breakfast back to ‘Shelter Cafe’.
- Crepes and smoothies on the way back.
- Then looking for some super glue to fix Casey’s shoe. Couldn’t find any. She found some straight away…
- Watched ‘One Piece’ for a while.
- Then more coffees with Casey when she finished around lunchtime.
- Did some mildly successful acro.
- Before Casey went to organise the farewell dinner of the week’s retreat.
- I packed up and got changed for my flight.
- Then by 1830 Matt was there to give me a lift to the airport.
- Stopped off at the retreat villas and caught Casey before I left. Cuddles.
- Also I left a bunch of shit around the room just to be annoying - an umbrella in the bed, things like that.
- Crazy bad traffic on the way to the airport through Kuta.
- Got there.
- Already had my boarding pass.
- So just walked straight through to the terminal.
- Then past my gate and found a Hard Rock Cafe.
- Had some steak.
- A little Russian girl playing with balloon animals decided we were best friends for an hour or so.
- Watched more ‘One Piece’ with some coffee and ice cream.
- Then eventually to the gate.
- Boarded.
- Tiny bloody Qantas seats.
- Cramped.
9/9/23 - Day 213 (Or, more like the first day of hiatus…): Back to the Coast
- Slept very little.
- Got to Sydney.
- Which is cold, apparently!
- Changed from international through to domestic.
- Then had some breakfast from a cafe in the terminal that I remembered from last time I was here (I think from when I was going to Tamworth…)
- More coffees.
- Finished watching the ‘One Piece’ series.
- Then off to my gate.
- Short flight up to Maroochydore - on a plane that was so clearly nicer and more modern than the plane that did the international flight from Bali (both Qantas…)
- Rian picked me up from the airport. To the house.
- Lunch.
- Then to the beach for the first time in about seven months. It is very hard to beat Australian beaches…
And that brings the trip to a bit of a pause. I’ve arbitrarily called this a hiatus, so will kind of continue the count (but pause the pedantic expense tracking) since we are not both ‘travelling’ currently.
Casey will be in Bali for the next few weeks hosting Pole Dance retreats and I am back in Australia doing some locum work.
Then we will reconvene and restart the counts in Greece in early October.
So I will continue here with some sort of ‘Locum Diaries’ from Dubbo, while Casey is living it up in Bali.
Addit: Casey then went on to call this ‘Girl Twerks, Boy Werks’…
10/9/23 - Day 214: GT, BW
- Flight from Maroochydore to Sydney - back in Sydney airport again in less than 24 hours…
- Then on to Dubbo, a short little flight. With a bunch of fellas who appear to have hit Sydney quite hard over the weekend.
- Cab from the airport to my accomodation. Checked in. Little apartment. Has a kitchen. Than needed food. So walked down in to the Main Street of Dubbo.
- Got Burger Urge.
- And a Cab back to my place.
- Watching Good Omens 2.
- Meanwhile Casey chilled in some Bali cafes and had a nice dinner…
11/9/23 - Day 215: GT, BW
- First day. The Public and Private hospitals are just over the road from where I am staying.
- Wander over. Got a coffee from the public. Find the Private out the back.
- Meet NUM.
- And then just figure the job out as we go.
- Sort the wards.
- Admit new patients for the private Consultants.
- Nothing too drastic.
- And I get fed here as well. Is good.
- After work back to my little apartment.
- Then wander down in to find the gym. Sign up for a few weeks while I am here.
- Then continue on to the Main Street.
- Pile of Burritos.
- And did some grocery shopping for the week.
- Cab back to my place.
- Finished Good Omens 2.
- Meanwhile Casey was either lounging around a pool or at the beach in Bali…
12/9/23 - Day 216: GT, BW
- Bacon and Eggs breakky.
- Walk over the road.
- Coffee.
- Ward jobs.
- Home.
- Gym.
- Started watching ‘Jack Ryan’ on Prime.
- Casey had fun in Bali…
13/9/23 - Day 217: GT, BW
- Wake.
- Over the road.
- Coffee.
- Wards.
- Chill.
- Pile of Beef Ragout for dinner.
- Spy shows.
- Casey - had a massage in Bali then went out for lunc….
Stay tuned...