Denouement Diaries - Week 19

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at:
Anyway, let's get into it:
15/6/23 - Day 127: Toronto
- Checked out and Uber in to Toronto
- Alix was home from her nights and had had a quick nap
- Found her apartment, threw our bags in and went out for breakfast
- Just up the street on Ossington
- After breakfast, Alix needed some more sleep after her nights so we went wandering around town
- Went to Kensington Market where Casey did some thrift shopping
- And we found some more coffees
- Casey had a pole class in the afternoon
- And Alix had a residency graduation dinner in the evening
- So Casey and I grabbed some hotdogs and watched a movie
- Had to let Alix in to her own building when she came home though haha
- And slept on Alix's lounge
16/6/23 - Day 128: Toronto
- Alix left for work at usual work hours
- And Casey and I slept in like the usual dirt bags
- We strolled aorund to 'Found Cafe' - apparently run by an Australian
- So Casey could have some Avo and Eggs on Toast...with Vegemite
- Good coffees
- Then we wandered down to find the CN tower
- Got some sweet lemonades along the way
- Got our tickets and went up the lift
- To about 400m
- Had a look out over Toronto
- Then up to the top viewpoint to nearly 500m ish - I dunno it was really high
- Was really interesting
- Still some smoke from the fires up here
- Casey did some more thift shopping on the way back because
- Casey had another pole class so I chilled in a coffee shop for an hour or so
- And we grabbed some Pho from a Michelin recommended place on Ossington for an afternoon snack while watching the new 'Black Mirror'
- Alix came home and we set off for Pizza from Pizzeria Badiali
- And met Carol in the park for Pizzas!!
- Was very good
- Lots of puppies
- Of course we then wandered down Dundas after pizzas to find some ice cream
- Then back to Ossington
- We showed Alix the second episode of Black Mirror
17/6/23 - Day 129: Niagra Falls
- Alix was a gem and dropped Carol off to work, and then kept her car
- Up and over to a coffee shope to grab some savoury pastries and coffee
- Then set off for the drive to Niagra
- About 90 mins
- Then found a park
- The falls are visible so easily almost from the carpark
- Found our boat company
- Throught the ticket booth and down some paths then an elevator to water level
- Lined up witha crowd of people as we put on our ponchos
- Then on to the boat
- We got a good spot on the roof
- And the ride was fantastic - you get very wet, amazing views
- Back to the dock, back up to the top along the cliffs and we had a walk and took some nice photos as we dried out
- Then the drive back towards Toronto
- Where we stopped at a nice old converted church/beer garden thing for lunch
- Then a great dairy farm for ice creams
- Bit of traffic on the way back
- Chilled back at Alix's place for a while
- Went and got some coffees to perk up in the afternoon
- Then in the evening we walked down in to central Toronto to do an escape room
- It was really fun - we were imprisoned in different cells at the start and then had to escape
- Walked back and grabbed some Indian food in Ossington
- Then we all watched some Black Mirror
18/6/23 - Day 130: Toronto –> Las Vegas
- Packed up and went out for breakfast with Alix
- Nice little coffee and pastry shop near Little Italy
- Then back to Alix's, bags packed then got an Uber
- Big hugs for Alix!!
- Uber down to the train station because we planned on getting the train to Hamilton where our flight would leave from
- But those trains not running
- So on to a Go bus for the trip
- Lots of traffic so thought we might be late for the flight
- But got there with enough time for an Uber to the Hamilton Airport
- Checked in with a bit of faff - our digital boarding passes weren't scanning (flashbacks to booking the wrong airport...) but it was because flying to the US someone needs to verify your identity documents
- Anyway everything was easy and nice because it's Canada
- On to the flight - our longest in a while - about 4.5 hours
- And a nice view of the desert on the way in to Vegas
- Landed, eventually found the place where Ubers pick up
- And in to Planet Hollywood
- Annoyingly, the self check-in terminal told me the room wasn't ready yet, so had to check in at the desk and it was all fine
- Threw our stuff in to the room, cooled down for a bit then went back out to the Strip
- And wandered and people watched
- We went and found a place to book some shows at the Flamingo
- Casey wanted to see RuPaul's drag race so we booked that
- And we booked a raunchy Country Burlesque show for a couple of hours time
- Got changed, grabbed some In n Out burger for dinner
- And watched the fountan at the Bellagio
- Then went over to Harrah's for the show - which was very fun
- Back to the hotel and sleeps
19/6/23 - Day 131: Las Vegas
- Woke up and went downstairs to our Casino floor for breakfast - there is a cafe there
- Everything, as usual, is so expensive
- Then got set for some walking around
- Wandered south down the Strip
- Looked at the cool hotels
- And eventually just got an Uber from the hotel that looks like a castle to Casey's next vegas pole class
- I just got a coffee in the meantime
- Turns out it wasn't a fun class - just a weird stretch session - Casey changed her classes for the next few days to make sure they were good
- Then Uber back in to Planet Hollywood
- And went looking for a pool
- Our pool was out of action, but we were able to use the pool at Paris
- So wandered over there, through the cool Parisian casino floor and found the pool
- Sat around in the sun for a while
- Then back to our place via Chick fil A
- And vegged out for a while
- Before using our gym in the afternoon - in between a bunch of tik tok dweebs with their shirts off training chest...
- Then in the evening got sorted and wandered over to the Flamingo for RuPauls
- Seating was like a Moulin Rouge type theatre
- I.......thought it sucked. Drag queens in Australia are usually fun and funny and have personality. This lot were just obnoxious narcissists with no talent... I really didn't get it. And the crowd knew all the lines and phrases like a cult - I didn't realise how big this RuPaul thing is.
20/6/23 - Day 132: Las Vegas
- Went and grabbed a coffee before Casey woke up - good grief it cost $14.30 AUD...
- Wandered down the strip and grabbed some breakfast-y snacks which we took to the pool at Paris for a swim and sunbake.
- Back to the room and got organised. Then Casey took an Uber to her Pole class and I went wandering around Vegas.
- I ended up walking through the Bellagio and out the back through the service roads between the hotels then over the highway to look at an outdoors store for something to do.
- Vegas is not walkable - it was roasting and blowing a gale - I's a desert...
- We got respective Ubers back to Planet Hollywood and grabbed some takeaway for lunch then headed back out in the afternoon.
- Walked down to New Yor New York to go a for a ride on the rollercoaster.
- It's a legitimate theme park rollercoaster built in to the hotel.
- Grabbed some Shake Shack on the walk back.
- Then chilled out for a little while in the afternoon.
- Before getting sorted for a dinner outing.
- We got picked up (after messing around with phone call confirmations) and taken to Treasures - which is a cool 'gentlemens' club off the strip.
- Had a massive steak dinner then saw some dancing.
- It was great - the whole place was like if Faulty Towers combined with any Vegas Movie - the cranky house mumma out the front, the maitre de from Jersey recommending that we watch 'Yellowstone', then a massive surplus of dancers-to-guests because it was a Tuesday. So much fun.
21/6/23 - Day 133: Las Vegas
- Big old sleep in.
- Then we wandered down the strip looking for a buffet.
- I thought Caesars Palace had one open in the morning - but not on Wednesdays, apparently.
- So next door in the Bellagio we found one.
- Ate so much food.
- Was good.
- Then stumbled down the strip to look at the canals of Venice.
- Lots of crazy people around - like literally rambling people being thrown out of Walgreens from the line in front of us.
- Chilled at the pool at Paris again.
- Wandered back via the Flamingo and tried to book some tickets for a show tonight - but their box office was shut.
- So just came back to our Planet Hollywood for some coffees and booked the ticket online.
- While we had some coffees in the casino floor cafe of Planet Hollywood.
- Casey went off to her last Pole classes in the evening.
- Then we wandered down towards the Flamingo for the last show.
- Stopped at In n Out burger for dinner.
- Then Casey grabbed some snacks from the massive chocolate and lolly store.
- Before heading towards teh theatre.
- And the Burlesque show was excellent. Really high quality. And it has been running in the Flamingo for 20 years.
Stay tuned...