‘New Rules’ for Travel - 2023 Update

Last updated 6/3/23
This is a list that started forming years ago from notes on the road. I will try to formalise them here and keep it updated as a live document.
(Also additions and suggestions are welcome)
Ongoing 'New Rules' for Travel -
Mindset and Behaviour:
- You are allowed to have a bad day
- You are allowed to dislike somewhere you visit
- You are not wasting your trip if you don't go full 'Eat-Pray-Love' or 'Vicky-Cristina-Barcelona' level of immersing yourself in the local culture
- You are allowed to have an amazing life changing adventure without cycling the length of Patagonia like a psychopath - nice hotels are not a sin
- You do not need to become some hippy Shaman while on your trip to South East Asia - you are allowed to still be Marcus from Accounting
- You do not need to come home a "changed and enlightened" person after travelling abroad - once again, you are allowed to come home and still be Marcus from Accounting
- IF Airbnb photos don't show a view out of the windows; THEN there are actually NO windows
- Preferable (not essential) Airbnb filters include: 'Entire Place', 'Wifi' obviously, 'Balcony', 'Pool' if a hot destination, 'Instant Book' and 'Self Check-In'
- Booking a shared room in a hostel with the hope that you MIGHT have the room to yourself will GUARANTEE that you share that room with someone who has the worst snoring ever recorded
- If you know nothing about the city you are going to stay in, look it up on Google Maps - the shaded yellow areas in the central cities are a good place to start looking
- If you have a long (think 20 hours) layover overnight; then a hotel bed is required
- If you have a long (think 20 hours) layover during the day; then a hotel bed is not required
- When you are considering walking home in Ushuaia on an empty stomach in freezing evening temperatures to save $6 AUD on a taxi - slap yourself and GET A TAXI
South and Central America:
- Buses are very popular and often quite well organised - SO - Book online and early when possible
- Tours, on the other hand, are best booked in person at the booth, and paid for in cash as below
- You can often receive a discount paying in cash as Efectivo is king over Credito
- Don't underestimate WhatsApp - half the South American economy seems to be run on it
Middle East:
- If the conversation to organise a plan ends with "God Willing" ("Inshallah") - double check the details - because otherwise you should assume that the bus is not coming, or the eggs will not be in stock
New York:
- Assume that Broadway tickets must be on your person to enter the theatre - DO NOT rely on the tickets being ‘in the system’ (this was a lesson had learned...)
The People You Meet:
- Simply booking a bunk bed in a smelly dormitory with an insanely overpacked trekking pack does not magically instill in one a personality
Anyway, that's all I've got for now...