Denouement Diaries - Week 6

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at: Anyway let's get into it:
16/3/23 - Day 36: Salta + Salinas Grandes, Jujuy Province
- Early start
- Waiting for our bus at 0700
- It found us
- We do the usual thing of rolling around the city picking people up
- Eventually rolling out of the city after 0830
- Tour guide filling every moment with words
- Drive for a couple of hours
- Bladder ready to burst
- Stop at a little roadside cafe thing for a break
- Then a short way on to the next stop where we see the 'hills of seven colours'
- Pretty cool
- Gaining altitude now
- We get up to 4170m elevation with a very windy mountain pass road
- Rolling down the other side to the salt flats
- Which are awesome
- Amazing to walk out onto another planet
- And yes, I tasted it, its salty
- Mucked around getting a bunch of photos
- Had to pay to use the toilet there - which is contructed from bricks of salt
- Back on to the bus
- Starving by now
- Back up over the mountain pass and into a tiny little town
- Church nearly 40o years old
- Got some food and coffee and had a look around
- Then the long drive home
- Was a massive day
- Dropped off in Centro and grabbed a pizza to take home
- Watched 'Luther'
- Sleeps
17/3/23 - Day 37: Salta
- Sleep in after big day yesterday
- Wandered down to a cafe
- Breakfast for hours
- Read while we were there
- By about 1300 wandered to the other side of the square to check out the museum of high altitude archaeology
- Saw some mummified children that the Incas had ceremoniously killed and arranged at mountain tops to appease their gods or some such nonsense
- Incredibly well preserved for 500 years in the cold
- Wandered around town
- Chilled at the apartment
- And did some booking a little ways ahead - booked a few day at Iguazu falls in Brazil at a sweet hotel
- Dropped off Casey at her pole class
- I killed some time watching ‘Carnival Row’
- Picked her up and we walked to a massive music/dinner hall for another weird South American dinner and show combination
- Only ones there initially
- Show started with Sergio Leonardo serenading us with Argentinian folk songs to a multimedia presentation background that looked like it was made with clip art
- To the delusional host of the whole place singing and nearly weeping about how Las Malvinas was always Argentinian and getting the whole crowd to go full ‘Viva Argentina’!
- To him then having his son sing on stage with him
- To them both kneeling and singing to images of the Virgin Mary
- Completely deranged
- The steak was good though…
- Started pouring as we walked home
- Got fairly wet
- Casey’s crocs were unfazed
- Sleeps
18/3/23 - Day 38:
- Very chilled day
- Sleep in
- Rolled down to the same cafe for breakfast
- Read for a little while there
- Then wandered up to a big fort thing we saw last night on the way to the crazy dinner and show
- Was closed of course
- Kind of just amble around
- Back to our apartment
- Read upstairs on the rooftop for a while
- Casey got very sunburned - idiota
- I had a swim in the pool - it was freezing cold and disconcertingly cloudy…
- Chilled in the room for a while
- Then wandered back out closer to 1800
- Went to the restaurant that plays soccer on the big screen
- Had some empanadas and coffee
- Until I walked Casey to the next pole class
- I did some reading and wandering
- Before picking her up
- She had a fun time being taught by a tiny Argentinian lady
- We stopped for dinner on the way home at the patio attached to the Franciscan church and monastery
- Lovely outdoor dining space
- Alright food
- Then home
- Need to get all our clothes dry before we start the bus travel day tomorrow…
19/3/23 - Day 39: Salta --> Asuncion
- Ooof we are not active today
- Checkout of our airBnB around 1130
- Wander into the main sqaure for some breakfast - which we took our time with
- Then made camp in our favourite little Cafe Martinez on the corner of the square to kill some time
- A little bit frustrating because its not like we had a secure hotel lobby to store our bags in for the day while waiting for an 1830 night bus
- And we cant really walk around all day with bags on in 30 degrees before being sweaty stinking messes on a bus all night
- So tour de cafe it is
- Eventually we wander down to the Terminal de Omnibus de Salta through the nice little park where lots of families are spending their Sunday afternoon
- Find the station
- There are lots of people here who you would be very unsuprised to find at a bus station...
- Grab some snacks - more medialunas
- And some pathetic snacks for the bus - oreos and muesli bars
- Actually very easy to find the bus
- On and we set off
- Look, what proceeds is 16 hours of bus travel in which it is difficult to sleep and an incredibly bright TV screen plays kids movies all night
- And the buse stops at like 4 in the morning to pick up new passengers who were the most incredibly vague Argentinians imaginable
- And the toilet was smelly
20/3/23 - Day 40: Salta --> Asuncion
- Which brings us to the morning
- By about 1030 the bus stops in Clorinda, a little border town
- And we are jolted from the daze by the door opening and random young men poking their heads in and shouting something about 'la fronterra'
- We get into what is clearly a gypsy cab for some not-quite-agreed-upon price for a quick ride to the border
- Worryingly, the doors dont open from the inside, but I can literally put the window down and open my car door from the outside handle
- Less sinister and more 'simple non-roadworthiness'
- We get to the border
- Have to change some money from Argentine Pesos into Paraguayan Guarani
- Because of course even though we are still on the Argentinian side of the border, we have to pay the gypsy cab in Guarani for some reason
- Ok so we start walking across the border
- Almost just waving passports around for someone to stamp them so we can exit
- We receive vague hand gestures to proceed over the border
- Ok so we literally walk across the bridge that is the border between the two countries
- Past the people having tea in the shade
- And come upon what seems to be two immigration departments side by side - but both clearly on the Paraguayan side of the border
- Try one
- Nope, we have not been exited from Argentina
- Ok but we are standing in Paraguay
- We go to the other immigration thing
- He says we need a stamp
- We say we tried
- Some scanning of passports happens
- And we are waved away from what turns out to be the Argentinian authority and gestured back to what turns out to be the Paraguayan authority - both on the Paraguayan side of the border of course
- The Paraguayan office that we now return to then stamps our passports with an entry stamp
- Apparently no exit stamps from Argentina - all digital?
- Anyway we ask a lovely fellow in an information office about taxis and he shows us out to the rank
- We agree on a price - 25 USD
- And we take the drive into Asuncion - is hot
- Find our AirBnB easily - we are just a bit early
- With a bit of google translate we are able to leave our bags in a room and go and have lunch for a while until the room is ready
- First food in a while after the bus
- We smell like feet
- Lots of food and drink to recharge
- Wander back to our place - its all set
- We shower alot
- We no longer smell like feet
- We have a nap
- Coffees in the afternoon just down the street to wakeup
- And a little bit of groceries
- Then chilling around our rooftop pool as the sun goes down
- While watching a completely mental example of "The Influencer" - some girl and bags and bags of clothes (all with the tags still on) that she was modelling and having some dude take photos and videos in between constume changes
- In the meanime, our airBnB host had checked in - he let us know that as Australians we may be interested to know that Tame Impala were playing in Paraguay tomorrow at a festivel
- We booked tickets
- Cooked up some empanadas for dinner
- And watched 'Bullet Train'
21/3/23 - Day 41: Asuncionico
- decent sleep in after the bus night/day
- Wandered to the end of our street which happens to be the trendy new central area of Asuncion
- First job was to find where to get our wrist bands for Asuncionico, this festival thing
- Tried to find the collection place
- Couldn’t
- Gave up for a while expecting to have to travel to another location to pick them up
- Breakfast at a nice cafe
- Good food
- English breakfast
- One last look after breakfast
- Found the little stall
- They told us to get tickets at the venue
- Didn’t believe them so actually found another pickup point to see if we could pick them up
- Told again to get them at the venue
- Ok a bit more reassuring
- Extremely hot cab ride down towards the old town
- Saw some very old governor style buildings
- Some little drunk looking Paraguayan man gave us the finger - the absolute least threatening thing that I have ever seen…
- Wandered towards the Palacio de Lorenzo?
- But it was surrounded in military and police
- Is there some sort of government thing going on?
- Anyway by this point is was 35 degrees and feeling like 38
- Got a cab back to Shopping Mariscal to cool down and have some coffee and croissants
- Until another ca to the other side of town to Casey’s pole session
- I hung around as Casey booked the studio as a private hire
- Then Uber we back to our place
- Had a swim and read and cool down
- Until we started heading off for the concert
- Uber through a heap of afternoon traffic to Parque Olimpico
- And tumbled out to an army of people flogging tickets and bottles of water at the gate
- We still didn’t have wristbands as yet
- Bit wary that we had messed up
- But followed some other people without wristbands back over the highway walkway into a little ticket booth set up in the carpark
- Got our wristbands
- VIP baby!
- Into the festival
- Boys and girls separate lines for security pat downs
- The girls line took incredibly long because they all have handbags…
- Rejoined Casey and headed in
- Easily into the VIP area which was essentially just the areas in front of the two main stages
- While the plebs stood beside us behind a fence
- Always book VIP it wasn’t even that much more
- Only missed 30 seconds of the first song from 'The 1974'
- They were good
- Put some money on the little wristbands and got some drinks
- Because it was still 32 degrees
- We ditched the food line to get back to Lil Nas
- Lil Nas was amazing
- Absolutely incredible showman
- Then moved over to tame impala
- Very experimental
- Cool to hear some Aussies for the first time in a while
- After their set went and grabbed some food while 21 pilots started
- Worst empanadas ever - soggy vegetarian things - Argentina would be offended…
- Getting tired by now so decided to head off
- Exited out to the highway
- Absolute chaos
- Highway essentially standstill of people just standing around waiting for Ubers
- No mobile data so couldn’t order Ubers
- Ended up wandering over the highway, through a Carpark and out to another road where we eventually hailed a cab
- And then easy ride home
- Ended up just vegging out and cooking up some eggs and going to bed a bit later
- Fairly successful night
22/3/23 - Day 42: Asuncion
- Sleep in
- I had a swim on the roof to wake up
- Eventually wandered over and grabbed some breakfast from another cafe
- We are clearly doing tour de cafe de Asuncion
- Came back and had to do some washing unfortunately then hung around until headed off to Casey’s next pole lesson/studio hire
- Back into town for some crepes and coffees
- It is just so hot that the thought of wandering for hours is not particularly appealing
- Swims and reading in the afternoon/evening
- Cooked up some ham and eggs on toast for a simple little dinner
- Watched some 'Jurassic World' movie - bit weird
Stay tuned...