Denouement Diaries - Week 22

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at:
Anyway, let's get into it:
6/7/23 - Day 148: In Bruges
- Woke up and rolled out of bed eventually at nearly 9am.
- Then headed straight into the old town of Bruges.
- Parked in an underground car park and started wandering around looking for some breakfast.
- Found an awesome waffle and coffee place, very Belgian, and it was really yummy.
- Then we wandered into the main square, went up the Belfort Tower which is one of the main scenes from 'In Bruges'.
- Had a look around and then basically just wandered around the town.
- We followed some canals, found a little chocolate shop where we got a little box of chocolates that we went and ate in a park.
- Got some more coffees and then in the afternoon went back to the car and drove to Casey's Pole Studio just for where she was doing a bit of a practice session.
- Then back to the motel for a little while to chill out and have a shower before heading up the road a little ways to a little burger shack where we sat and had dinner.
- Watched 'Parks and Rec' in the evening.
- Nice little town day.
7/7/23 - Day 149: Netherlands
- Travel day.
- Checked out and got going.
- Should have sorted breakfast first.
- Becuase we headed into the Netherlands and through Zeeland. So that I can say I've been to Zeeland AND New Zealand...
- Before stopping in Middle Burg for breakfast.
- It turned out to be a lovely quiet little town.
- And we had some coffees then got going again.
- Interesting drive along all the dykes along the North Sea.
- We sort of skirted Rotterdam then popped in to the Hague for a look around.
- Just parked up in a multi story car park then walked around the centro.
- Nice place.
- Actually had some Indonesian food for lunch which was yummy - a happy relic of the Dutch East India company presumably...
- And apparently the ruling coalition government also fell while we were in The Hague...
- Ayway, kept heading north and found our way to Alkmaar, which turned out to be a lovely miniature Amsterdam with beautiful cobbled streets and canals.....and very narrow roads full of cyclists.
- Parked in a public carpark while we checked in to the hostel and asked about the best place to park.
- Threw some bags in, Casey got changed.
- And grabbed a quick coffee in the cobble stoned square along the canal.
- Because then we went about 5 minutes out of town to a Pole Class Casey had somehow organised.
- Found it very easy.
- Back in to town.
- Parked in the prescribed parking.
- And hunted for some dinner.
- Was actually getting a bit late by now so the cafes weren't doing dinner.
- So we ended up at a ribs place - which was awesome. Some littel legend running the place guaranteed us his food was the best. And it was pretty good.
- Then sleeps.
- After watching some 'Eurotrip' of course.
8/7/23 - Day 150: Amsterdam
- Had breakfast in the hostel - which was pretty good - after we again learned that Europeans don't really do breakfasts like Australians do.
- Afterwards, we had a bit of a look around the Alkmaar centre, then got sorted to head down to Amsterdam for the afternoon.
- Drove down easily.
- Became terrified of killing a cyclist as I got closer to the centre.
- Found a park - paid the price of a limb for it but fine.
- Then walked in towards the nice little canals.
- Learned that we have really been enjoying staying away from the European summer crowds so far - I am fairly sure this will be our busiest stop.
- Wandered, looked at pretty things, had some coffees, got some lollies.
- Then ended up at a 'Prostitution Museum' which was fitting for the town, I suppose. And actually very interesting.
- We had some lunch afterwards, during which I ordered a completely random and wrong italian bread dish thing for Casey.
- And then we went to a raunchy Amsterdam show.
- During the intermission of which, Casey jumped on the pole. Of course.
- Wandered the streets afterwards in to the afternoon.
- Grabbed some iced coffees then found the car.
- Drove back up to Alkmaar.
- And actually went for some more ribs - they were really good.
- Had some ice cream along the canals after dinner.
- Then finished watching 'Eurotrip'.
9/7/23 - Day 151: Alkmaar --> Mechelen
- Travel day.
- Checked out of Alkmaar.
- Breakfast in the hostel.
- Went and had some coffees a street over.
- Then took our bags to the car.
- The prepaid tag from the hostel worked fine.
- Then driving.
- Couple of hours.
- Servo for some Starbucks iced lattes.
- Arrived in to Mechelen in the rain.
- Pulled up and jumped into a deserted pub.
- And had some schnitzels. Which were excellent.
- Check in was open by then so we rolled down the hill to the hotel.
- Threw the bags in the room, then had a walk up the road.
- Rain had stopped and we found ourselves in a lovely village town.
- Up to an old brewery, now a hotel.
- And had coffees in their garden
- And did a bit planning for the rest of the year.
- I might go and do some work for a few weeks when we are back in Bali.
- Then chilled in our hotel.
- Watched 'Parks and Rec'.
- Not really any dinner because of the very late lunch.
10/7/23 - Day 152: Mechelen
- Up and had breakfast at that same brewery hotel place.
- Then started driving towards Maastricht.
- That plan went our the windo when I blew up a tyre...
- Basically, it took hours. I had to go through the rental insurance mob so it wasn't even worth changing the tyre myself (don't even know where the spare is kept in a Renault Scenic...)
- A tow truck eventually arrived. Lovely Dutch fellow. I drove the car on to the back of the truck. We sat in the car for the ride to a Renault dealership.
- Ended up Uber back from Renault to Mechelen. Never saw Maastricht.
- Lunch of more more schnitzel was very nice.
- Then walked around the parklands in Mechelen.
- And had some coffees in the little town in the afternoon.
- Then just chilled in the afternoon and did a bit of booking for the next few days in to Switzerland.
11/7/23 - Day 153: Mechelen --> Luxembourg
- Travel day.
- But first we had to have breakfast then go and get Gustave H.
- We realised that our hotel was serving a pretty good breakfast.
- So we sort of just wandered in to the dining area and helped ourselves - I'm still not sure if it was included with our room...
- And we still had some time to spare for a coffee again at the old brewery on the street.
- Where we had a chat about how happy we are to not be worrying about an Australian mortgage right now...
- Then we checked out and waited for the Maastricht Taxi that I had booked to arrive.
- And the lovely Dutch fellow arrived exactly on time.
- So we headed off to the Maastricht Renault again, this time not on the back of a tow truck.
- And unfortunately just had to sit around in the dealership for a couple of hours until the tyre was done.
- Then we were off.
- Got some fuel and snacks and headed towards Luxembourg.
- Pretty easy drive.
- Then after transiting through Belgium, France and Germany, and another quick snack stop, arrived in Luxembourg.
- Which is just beautiful.
- Parked up in a little public carpark (and paid for a parking permit thing), for which we would later receive a 24 euro ticket...
- And wandered around - looked at the cathedral and walked along some of the old defensive walls.
- Grabbed some coffees and chocolates.
- Then walked across one of the deep valleys on a foot bridge underneath one of the road bridges.
- Back to the car before our time ran out - saw the parking fine...
- And shifted over to some off street parking for the evening because Casey had organised a pole class in Luxembourg.
- Grabbed some ice coffees beforehand.
- Dropped her off.
- I chilled at Maccas reading about the history of Luxembourg.
- Then when she was finished, we got going towards our accomodationi in Thionville - back in France.
- Which was a fairly short drive.
- Checked in.
- Sleeps.
12/7/23 - Day 154: Luxembourg
- Up at a reasonable time actually to have some breakfast at the hotel and get going by 0900..
- We basically spent the day up in Luxembourg again.
- Short drive in.
- Couple of loops around looking for a parking garage.
- Parked up and got walking.
- Through the lovely parks (which I would later learn is where the fortifications of the city used to be).
- Found a lovely art museum which we wandered around - Dominique Lang was the artist being displayed - anyway really nice style.
- Then kept going into the old town.
- Had some coffees and madeleines.
- Then into the Luxembourg History Museum - which was also covered by the same ticket.
- Which was fantastic - The Luxembourgish have an ancient history and seem very proud of it (but not nationalistic or ostentatious).
- Wandered down into the valley via poking around some of the old fortifications.
- Then walked along the creek/river.
- Luxembourg may be the prettiest city in Europe. I said it... Soz, Paris.
- Back up to the plateau - lots of stairs.
- And had some sausages for lunch.
- Saw a little chavvy eshay dweeb get tackled by the police - must have robbed a phone.
- And strikingly - he looked exactly like our bogan criminals: polo shirt, those particular shoes, bum bag across the chest - what an international culture...
- A few more coffees then wandered back to the car with some iced lattes for the road.
- Back to our accommondation for a beat then off to Casey's next pole class outside of Thionville - which I later learned is a poor ex-mining town.
- Found the pole studio but some mix up meant there was no space for Casey.
- So we went and had dinner back near our accomodation.
- Some nice Japanese food then ice creams.
- Then home and watched 'A Simple Favour' on Netflix.
Stay tuned...