Denouement Diaries - Week 16

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at:
Anyway, let's get into it:
25/5/23 - Day 106: San Jose
- Slept in
- Very vegetative day
- Cooked up some breakfast then wandered to the cool cafe we found yesterday
- Had a pile of coffees and the nice guy running the place gave us a free feed of some local Costa Rican snacks
- Wandered back over to the apartment to do some more booking - got some more flights sorted
- Finished 'Skyfall' - have started looking for Scottish Manor Homes to purchase
- In the afternoon, Casey did some dancing in the cool room on the roof
- Then sent her along to her last Costa Rican pole class
- Picked her up and came back to our suburb where we went for dinner at a Harry Potter themed restaurant - was fun
26/5/23 - Day 107: San Jose
- Very chilled out day
- Wandered up the road and had some french toast for breakfast
- Got an Uber down into town because we were determined to have a coffee in the cafe of the Teatro Nacional
- Acquired some strapping tape to try and fix Casey's broken pole heels
- Finished off some booking through North America and a flight to Europe - means the next month or so is looking nice and organised
- Had some burgers...then churros...delivered
27/5/23 - Day 108: Costa Rica --> El Salvador
- Travel day
- Woke up easy then did a bit of packing
- Wandered down into the neighbourhood to find somewhere for breakfast
- Found a cafe that served breakfast
- Casey ordered some weird cheese pancake then was surprised when it was squishy and tasteless…
- Back to the apartment
- Finished packing then downstairs to hand over our keycard and order an Uber
- Again - South American traffic
- Took nearly an hour to go the 17ish km to the airport
- Did the usual dance of hassle when you ask the airline to check you in - “do you have your boarding pass?” - “no that’s your job give me my boarding pass etc”
- Through immigration
- Found a cafe to sit and wait
- Then to the gate
- Short east flight
- And easily through Salvadoran immigration
- Heaps of people offering cabs out the front door
- The price was what our Airbnb host had said
- Into a cab
- Then about 40 mins to the beach
- Got to El Tunco
- Wasn’t really sure of the landmarks for where to find our place
- But I recognised the paint colour when we just stumbled across it
- Went for a walk down to the beach - not the best swim beach, very rocky and about 6-10ft swell - heaps out surfing though, probably a bit beyond us…
- Lifeguards here just screech whistles at people - no idea what they mean…
- Went to a beachfront bar thing playing good music for easy dinner - choripan
- Frozen yoghurt for dessert
- Watched ‘Lilo and Stitch’ - beach theme
28/5/23 - Day 109: El Tunco
- Sleep in
- I went and had a coffee and a snack before Casey woke up
- She joined me and had some breakfast and more coffees
- Such hot weather
- We got a smoothie each after breakfast but I was dying in the heat so went and bought a singlet
- Sunscreened up
- Casey had a dip at the beach then we went to a beach pool/bar thing that we had rights to because of the Airbnb we were staying at
- Had a swim
- Sat on the top balcony overlooking the surf and had some sweet fizzy drinks and read
- In the afternoon went and sat at another beach bar thing where there was a bit of a craft stall set up
- Had some lunch and people watched
- Sat on the beach for a little bit with some frappes
- Back to the room to cool down in the air conditioning
- Casey went off to a yoga class
- Then we went for dinner to get some Bao
- Frozen yoghurt for dessert of course
- And I watched ‘Blood and Gold’ while casey watched a UK Pole Theatre competition
29-31/5/23 - Day 110-112: El Tunco
- Realistically, we bummed around at the beach for a few days
- We met a couple of groups of American guys - one group from San Francisco and another couple of fellas from Georgia - all a good bunch
- We swam and bodysurfed
- Casey did some Yoga
- We watched some movies in the night - more James Bond (Spectre because we are going to Mexico next)
- We ate good food
- And watched some of the ISA Olympic Qualifiers
- Would recommend
Stay tuned...