Denouement Diaries - Week 12

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at: Anyway let's get into it:
27/4/23 - Day 78: Cusco --> Puno
- 0610 pickup
- After breakfast opened at 0600...
- Into car, nil communication from driver and other dude, Casey asked in Spanish what the plan was, plan was bus and 5 stops arriving at Puno at about 1730
- Actually 10 minutes later arrived at a coach station with 30 other people and proceeded to board a tour bus
- Stopped at a big church of “incalculable” value - was cool but same story (Spanish built as soon as arrived etc) got coffees and wandered after short look
- Then to an old sort of pre Incan site with lots of cool masonry
- The weird Swiss tourists on our bus took themselves off to the side and performed some sort of smoke cleansing ceremony on their own
- So weird
- Little stop at a high pass before descending into Puno
- Last stop was at a museum and coffee house where our insane little lady guide just spoke continuously about chakras
- Instead of showing us anything else inside the museum
- Casey and I slipped out the back and got a coffee and waited for her rant to finish
- Casey watched some chickens feeding
- Driving through juliaca, where we would stay tomorrow night, it loooed like an absolute shit hole
- In to Puno
- And someone from the tour company picked us up
- And told us all about what the lunch menu tomorrow would be
- Also did not look happy that we were staying in Juliaca after the tour
- When we checked in, the guide who was actually taking us tomorrow called us and told us again what the lunch menu would be…
- We quickly checked on Juliaca - turns out it is a bonafide shit hole
- Cancelled the reservation there immediately
- And went downstairs to book una noche mas where we were already staying
- The reception was for some reason unable to do this and had to call the tour company
- So we were handed the phone for some reason to talk to our guide for tomorrow again
- We were literally just trying to book a night in a hotel after the tour had finished
- We had no idea why we were having to ask ‘permission’ for this
- Anyway we booked it
- Went up to the attached hotel restaurant and had dinner and pondered what the hell was going on
28/4/23 - Day 79: Lake Titicaca
- Still a reasonably early start at 0600 for 0630 breakfast and then 0715 pickup
- Got picked up by our guide Henry
- Short walk down to a van
- Van to the docks
- And on to Lake Titicaca
- Had to wait while the boat filled
- And some fella sang songs at us
- Am I the asshole for not giving a tip to a performer that I didn’t choose to listen to?
- Set off on the boat
- Over to Uros - One of the floating islands
- Our guide actually explained that the traditional islands were, at this point, essentially just moveiworld-style sets - the locals don't live in the traditional reed huts, they live in tin buildings across the way on other islands or just on the shore in town
- The floating islands are for tourists, and the families that run them have to share the tourists that come visit so they can all be paid...
- Weird
- Met some cool girls from Lithuania though who gave us some Europe tips
- Then to Taquile, where we had lunch
- Again, more sort of film-set-museum for the benefit of tourists vibe - started to weird me out a bit
- Then the boat back to Puno
- We got a van back to our hotel
- The transfer to Juliaca airport for tomorrow we had booked had not confirmed, so Henry sorted us a transfer for the morning
- Dinner at the hotel
- Watched the Top Gear Bolivia special
- Bed
29/4/23 - Day 80: Puno --> Juliaca --> Lima
- We were awoken by the reception at 0800 telling us that our driver was here
- We went downstairs and confirmed that we had booked for 0900
- Then went and had some breakfast
- Back down, into a car, and easy drive to Juliaca airport
- Which had only opened 3 days ago, which had been news to us (the tour company never told us this even a week ago, even though it was our exit point from the tour...)
- Through security
- The airport was surrounded by military
- About 17 people had been killed in protests at the airport back in February I think - something about politics being worth risking your life over...
- Waited at the airport
- Eventually able to check in
- Waited around and evenually boarded
- Easy flight
- Some locals taking the flight were finding it very difficult to buckle their seat belts
- In to Lima
- We actually didn't leave the airport immediately
- Got some maccas for lunch
- Then walked over the road to the airport hotel and checked in
- Short turnaround - Casey had found a pole gym to train at this evening
- So we ubered in to the suburbs and found the place
- I went and chilled with a coffee in the interim
- Picked her up and sorted the weird payment - somehow they had decided that we were staying in Lima for a month
- Uber back to the hotel
- Room service dinner and 'Parks and Rec'
30/4/23 - Day 81: Lima --> Quito
- Up at around 0630 ish
- And over at the airport by 0700
- South American check in lines
- Then we grabbed a coffee before going through security
- The international departures lounge is way nicer than domestic at Lima - so had more coffees
- Flight with a weird mix of South American playing music from phones out loud and 'I have my sleep routine, neck pillow and blanket princess' for a 2.5 hour flight in the middle of the day
- Landed and didn't rush off
- We actually just diverted to a cafe and had a nice Ecuadorian late breakfast at Quito
- Huge luxury we realised is that you dont have to rush off
- We literally sat for an hour or two just catching up until we could check in
- Saves carrying bags around Quito
- Got an Uber into the Centro
- Bit of hassle checking in - security knew we were coming, but there was no one else to meet us
- Eventually just did it all via whatsapp
- Our place is great - loft, two stories, two bedrooms, biggest place yet
- Threw the bags down and actually went and did some shopping near the central park
- Pharmacy stuff, couple of new clothes items and some groceries
- Home and spaghetti for dinner
- Parks and Rec
1/5/23 - Day 82: Quito + The Middle of the World
- Big old sleep in
- Bacon and eggs for breakfast
- Was very good
- Then just wandered up the park
- Publix holiday today in Ecuador so lots of families out and about
- Went for some coffees along the way
- Watched as an Ecuadorian couple tried to patch up some weird relationship snaffu - a legit model chick and a dweeb
- Then up towards the top of the park
- Really nice area
- Wandered the shops as all the locals were doing on their day off
- Another coffee
- Grabbed an Uber to the north of the city where the Middle of the World City monument was
- Saw the Equator line
- Not really much else there - which seems obvious in retrospect...
- Uber back to the Centro
- Had some amazing food at PF Changs
- Then Ubered the length of the park home
- And watched 'Get the Gringo'
- Very chill day
2/5/23 - Day 83: Quito
- Big sleep in
- Bacon and eggs
- Coffees at an awesome place near our apartment got us to about midday
- Uber up the hill to the Teleferico
- Wandered around the top
- Went to the lookouts
- Looked…out
- Casey did the Instagram swing thing they had set up
- And got some photos with some llamas
- Had a coffee and cake at the cafe on the top that had an amazing view out over Quito
- Then back down in the cable car
- Cab back to the shopping centre near us
- Did some binoculars shopping for the Amazon
- Casey was going to get her nails did but time was a bit tight before her pole studio hire
- Quickly home
- Then a walk to the pole studio
- I dropped Casey off and made sure she was sweet then went looking for a cafe
- Found one two doors up
- Fantastic little bakery as well
- Sat there for an hour
- Then we got an Uber back to the apartment when Casey was done
- Keen for a chilled night
- We Rappi’d some food and watched ‘Jungle Cruise’
3/5/23 - Day 84: Quito Old Town
- Woke up at Susanne (930am according to Casey’s stupid autocorrected alarm label)
- Went over to lovely coffee house again
- Excellent coffees well crafted again by lovely owner
- Cab to old town - traffic horrendous here (think 30 minutes for 3km at 11am on a Wednesday)
- Went to 3x incredible but redonk ostentatious churches built by Spanish (same story - on arrival in Quito, every temple = church and before hospitals and schools etc)
- 2nd church could pay more and go on Pan’s labyrinth walk through offices to the top of the church and inside the upper dome
- Pretended we were Robert Langdon obviously
- Lunch in another square at a nice little restaurant
- Spam ham on Casey’s pasta
- Then jumped into a cab to get back up to near us
- Better traffic on the way back - slightly
- Chilled in our apartment for a bit
- Then in the afternoon walked to Casey’s pole studio
- I sat in the nice cafe
- And Casey joined me there after her session and we had coffee and pastry
- Got an Uber from the cafe
- By then traffic in Quito was insane
- Took us about 45 minutes to move 2km
- We were trying to make it to some cinemas to see Guardians 3
- Eventually got out and walked
- Made it just in time but the English language film was sold out
- All because we couldn’t buy the tickets online ahead of time because of Ecuadors insane ID requirements for literally any purchase
- Gave up on the movies
- Walked over to the big nice shopping centre to find a restaurant
- Had some alright pizza and pasta
- Then a lovely cabbie drove us home and giggled as we paid in all our small change
- Booked an Uber for the morning to take us to the airport
Stay tuned...