Denouement Diaries - Week 1

Essentially the ramblings of two adults that probably require adult supervision.
As usual, follow along at: Anyway let's get into it:
7/2/23: Prologue
- Left coast after seeing off parents
- Thought about holding off to try for another rabies shot
- GP practice called us - there were no more rabies shots
- Looks like one rabies shot will have to do...
- Let's not get rabies
- Got Japanese chicken and rice bowls, naturally
- Then Casey’s licence actually happened to be delivered so went and got that from the house
- Then down to Brisbane
- More family farewells
- Sat around for a bit
- Family dinner
8/2/23: Prologue continued
- Bumming around in the northern suburbs of Brisbane
- Got a car cover for Casey - the car will be lonely for a year
- Then replaced my watch battery
- Off to the airport
- Very quiet international airport
- Easy through security
- Easy on to plane
- Pretty sure they forgot to feed us - thanks, Air New Zealand...
- Watched the whole first season of 'Derry Girls' - must tell Andy
- Off the plane and easily through immigration and customs
- Then an easy cab to the motel
- Keys in a lockbox - acquired
- And in for showers
- Face feels like feet
- Pathetic dinner of a biscuit and some watery motel hot chocolate
- Pretty good start to the trip
9/2/23 - Day 1: Christchurch - Mt Sunday - Ashburton
- Uber driver drove past our motel twice - eventually found us
- Then easily found the Spaceships depot out near the airport
- Keys in the lockbox
- Claimed our ‘Nugget’ - it's the name of the car
- Then basically just started off into Christchurch to find breakfast
- Could not turn right for my entire life - Christchurch has lots of one way streets
- Found breakfast spot run by lovely Indian family
- Then headed south
- Fuelled up
- To Mount Sunday
- Through nice farmland
- 2.5 hours
- Climbed to Edoras and back
- Felt like a man of Rohan
- Then drove down to Ashburton
- Checked in
- Then to grocery store
- Campground is dank
- The residents are....residents of a regional campground....
- Roast chicken and pre-packed salad for dinner - felt like classic backpacker food
- Then some snacks while in our van bed watching 'Wednesday'
- Tried to book tomorrow night's accomodation, sent enquires, failed, couldn’t receive text message because no 2FA - excellent planning, Luke
10/2/23 - Day 2: Ashburton - Moeraki - Dunedin
- Bacon and eggs in the campground kitchen
- The residents are still dank
- Then off heading south
- Stopped at Timaru
- Had a coffee and a LOUISE cake - literally felt like we offended the whole country by not knowing it is called that...
- Hit up Vinnies for some warm clothes before we head to some altitude
- Got a parking ticket - fantastic
- Left Timaru
- South to Moeraki boulders
- Actually pretty interesting
- More coffee
- Realised we did have a place for the night booked in Dunedin
- Kept going south to Katiki Point and walked up to the lighthouse and along the point to see some seals
- Was cool, wasn’t expecting to see seals in my day
- Then kept going south to Blueskin Bay
- Stopped and had a snack and toilet break and got feet into sand with a quick beach walk
- Then the last 20 mins or so over the mountain into Dunedin
- Looks like Hobart
- Is lovely
- Found our caravan park
- Is not dank
- Is full of people vanning around like us
- No residents, just people travelling around - excellent
- Checked in
- Then went and found a pole gym for Casey
- Dropped her off
- I went and wandered
- Dunedin is lovely
- Casey was happy she hasn't lost any fitness two days...
- Back to campsite
- Fish and chips ordered
- Showered and clean
- Picked up food - perfectly greasy and battered
- Dinner in the last of the sunlight
- Then into the van for some 'Wednesday'
11/2/23 - Day 3: Dunedin - Lawrence - Roxburgh - Queenstown
- Woke up stiff as a board
- Because we slept on a board, sort of
- Stretches and sunlight and face washes and wake up
- Bacon and eggs cooked out of the back of the van
- Cleaned up and rolled out
- Out on to the peninsula as thought we would check out the castle
- Turned out there was a hefty entrance fee
- And it was a private residence essentially
- Had a domestic as I couldn’t be assed
- Found coffee and pastry
- Domestic settled
- Then rolled out of Dunedin proper
- South through Milton - looked shit
- Then turned inland towards Queenstown
- Stopped at the museum in Lawrence
- Learned about the gold rush
- Then coffee and pastry in the bakery next door
- And took the museum lady’s advice and detoured out to Gabriel’s Gully where the gold came from
- Walked around in the scrub and had a great time
- Saw a couple of deep mineshafts that are still there
- Then continued along
- Stopped at Roxburgh for some honesty cherries
- And fresh fruit ice cream was awesome
- Drove on until screaming Meg or roaring Meg or whatever the hydro thing was called
- Stretched the legs
- Then into Queenstown
- Quick scramble around to park up and pinch some internet to refresh my maps
- Then found the caravan park easily
- Check in
- Then walk back down to town
- Found the cable car stop
- Up to the top
- I think we are cable car and funicular people
- Down and into town to find dinner
- Found an Indian place
- Was actually incredibly good food
- Gorged
- Stumble home back up the hill
- Showers
- 'Wednesday' on Netflix
- Bed
- Sleeps
12/2/23 - Day 4: Queenstown - Arrowtown - Glenorchy - Paradise - Queenstown
- Woke up 830am
- Coffee for crazy lady immediately upon rising
- Drove to arrowtown - looked for Arwen’s stream - realised the actual site would be miles away
- Got a local coffee - delish
- Walked around pathways next to clear ass creek
- 10:03am hit - domestic began because boy needed to wee and lady wanted to keep walking
- Domestic settled and had a hard plastic crepe from the local markets
- Saw Wilcox Green
- Then drove to Coronets Peak, stun
- Went UP because we are UP people, apparently
- Sat outside in chairlift gondola
- Amazing mountain views at the top, tramped around for an hour or so
- Back down, into car and off to Glenorchy
- Had dumplings, of all things, in Glenorchy
- Then boy found 3 LOTR sites on maps and went to all three
- Full sent nugget through a creek, champion
- Saw: Lothlorien, tried a disgusting reenactment of some Frodo bullshit and failed; and where Isengard would sit
- Then had a swim in the lake on the way back to Queenstown campsite
- I called this my shower
- And clothes wash
- Got to camp
- Did some booking for the next few days
- Then cooked up the last of our bacon and eggs for dinner
- Washed up
- Drove nugget down to maccas and grabbed a sundae and thickshake
- Back and sleeps
13/2/23 - Day 5: Queenstown - Wanaka - Waterfall Hunting - Haast
- Awake startled at the crack of 848am
- Fuelled up nugget
- Got Casey a coffee at the cool little print shop down the road
- Then started off
- Then drove to the Cardrona Hotel - not entirely sure what the dealio is but it was v cute but full of grey nomads, yeeted out of there
- Luke decided to have a domestic with nugget and backed her sweet ass into a rock - she didn’t deserve it
- Drove to Wanaka
- Grabbed a sausage roll and coffee
- Walked along the waterfront
- Finally found myself a hat
- Then drove up to the stupid tree
- It’s literally just a tree
- Surrounded by twits
- Taking photos
- So anyway we took a photo of the tree
- Then rolled out past lake Hawea - photo
- Had a little walk around the monument, lady went off the beaten track as she is more adventurous and fun than Luke
- Went to Blue Pools next, much much busier
- Lovely place but slightly less lovely due to people being people
- Saw a mostly-naked chick doing Insta-twit things
- I mean, come on
- Then went to 2 waterfall stops (Fantail Falls and Thunder Creek Falls) stun
- Then drove to Haast village, nestled on a flat under the mountains near the coast - stun
- Had v late lunch early dinner at hunting lodge
- Then did internet things and chilled out
- Bed and showers but with all of the mosquitos
14/2/23 - Day 6: Haast - Fox/Franz Josef Glaciers - Hokitika
- Slept in a little
- Rolled out of bed
- Around to the little cafe in Haast township
- For coffee and a new bottle of water because idiot Luke threw one out last night
- Then rolled out
- First stop was Fox glacier township
- Grabbed more coffees and some pastries then rolled a few hundred metres back to the trail carpark
- Easy walk to the little lookout
- Weird looking at a glacier from a hot forest walk
- Back down to the car
- And drove the little way to Franz Josef glacier
- Drove the way up into the carpark
- Then just a couple of short walks
- One to an elevated rock to view the glacier
- And one only a few hundred metres up until the trail closure signs
- Still able to see the glacier though
- Back to Franz Josef township for lunch
- Then Casey went and did a Kiwi tour at the little conservation centre - did see a Kiwi
- Carried on and took a side road to Okarito for a stop and look at the lagoon
- Then did a little forest walk on the way back out to the main highway
- Came into Hokitika around 1900
- Awkward check in - payment wouldn’t work
- Gave up - promised to pay in the morning
- Cold ass shower because the cheapies had a machine for coin operated hot water
- Old boy owner was an old school misogynist - kept asking all the female backpackers if they were going to do the cooking
- Made some pasta
- 'Derry Girls'
- Bed
15/2/23 - Day 7: Hokitika - Nelson
- Up around 0800
- No staff around to try and pay again
- Drove into Hokitika proper and got cash from an ATM
- Then back to the campsite and taped it to the door of the office
- Back to Hokitika for coffees and pastries
- Before heading off
- Basically just a driving day
- Got some more coffees from a maccas on the way
- Then bakery lunch in Wakefield - awesome bakery
- Into Nelson in the early afternoon
- Checked in to the massive caravan park
- Did some internet jobs
- Then dropped Casey off at Altitude Pole for a couple of hours
- I cruised around Nelson getting my bearings
- And read a book for a while
- Back to camp
- Rubbish dinner by me - crunchy beef - why was it crunchy...?
- Then an earthquake hit (6.1 mag) - small and mostly the southern North Island but I would have died in the shower washing my socks with some 'Head and Shoulders' which would have been funny as
- 'Derry Girls' = laughing fit by the beach
- Then bed
Stay tuned for more.